
Skyrim change spouse clothes pc
Skyrim change spouse clothes pc

Once the marriage ceremony is complete and the Dragonborn addresses their new spouse, the spouse will inquire where the Dragonborn wants to live. Maramal will then agree to host another ceremony, the next day. If the Dragonborn misses their wedding ceremony, they can approach the intended partner and ask for another chance. In the case of a few potential spouses, characters who are important to that character may appear as well. If the Dragonborn already owns any houses, then the corresponding housecarl s may also be present. Characters for whom quests have previously been completed or other characters who disposition is positive may appear at the wedding ceremony as guests.

skyrim change spouse clothes pc

During the ceremony, the Dragonborn has one last chance to affirm the marriage before the ceremony proceeds. Maramal alludes to the ceremony time being constrained between dawn and dusk however, the ceremony can happen at any given hour of the day. The ceremony will start no sooner than approximately 24 hours. Once that is done, they can speak to Maramal at the Temple of Mara about arranging the wedding. The Dragonborn can then express their wish to marry the person. The new dialogue is unlocked with certain characters if the Dragonborn is both wearing the amulet and has met the requirement relating to the individual, usually a quest. If the share is not collected, the gold accumulates. Whether the partner is a merchant or not, after marriage, they are able to purchase and sell general goods, also allowing the Dragonborn to collect a daily portion of their profits from their "work. Those that can be married generally require that a specific task be completed beforehand. After obtaining the Amulet of Marathe Dragonborn has the option to engage in marriage with an eligible character regardless of either party's gender.

Skyrim change spouse clothes pc